Wednesday, 9 April 2014


Long ago, when he was still at school, John had stayed with a family in Krefeld, Germany for a few weeks to improve his German. Some years later, the eldest son of the family came to stay with us in Cambridge for a short time. Over the years, contact had been lost, but about 18 months ago John searched the Internet and found the family still in Krefeld. Ryanair has a flight from Beziers to Dusseldorf which opened in March and so we decided to go to see them for a few days.

Eva, Gerd and some of their family live on the outskirts of Krefeld in the historical town of Linn. They renovated their 16th century house themselves - Gerd who rang a joinery business, had also built their first house.

The front door is the entrance to their house and to another, where their granddaughter lives. There is a way through to garages for the houses around them.

Two of Eva and Gerd's children joined us for brunch on Sunday, together with one of the grandchildren.

Linn has a castle dating back to the 12th century.

There is also a hunting lodge close to the entrance to the castle as well as a museum (once the home to a wealthy family).

It has a music room in the house with an exhibition of long gone equipment including a piano roll and an old record player.

The entrance to the castle.

Inside the castle walls

A view from the top of the tower and panorama.

Inside the castle, a tapestry

The bread oven

Old fire engines which are sometimes used for display purposes, but not in April!

After our tour of the castle, we walked around the small town with Eva, calling into a couple of art exhibitions.

We took our leave of Eva and Gerd in the evening an returned to the centre of Krefeld.

The following day we looked around the town and relaxed, before our flight back to Beziers.

- Pat and John on tour