Wednesday, 12 February 2014

First signs of spring in the Languedoc

Unusually, this has been a very grey winter - it's almost like being back in the UK.

In the last week or so, we have started to see the first signs of spring. As usual, the mimosa on the way down to the supermarket is the first, welcome sign

A few steps further on, irises were in flower outside the house of some Dutch residents.

The almond trees are just beginning to flower.

With the sunny afternoons, we have been out walking, as have many other people in the village.

The hills were looking very clear and three dimensional

One day, we walked across to friends in the next village, then took their dog, Kaila, our for a walk in the fields

This is the approach to Pailhes, were Kaila lives.

On Saturday, we drove to Pezanas to see an art exhibition which included the paintings of a friend from the village. The location, the Hotel de Lacoste, from the 15th century was very impressive.

Now we are preparing for Helen and Ernie's visit starting in a couple of days.

- Pat and John on tour